Jollof rice is a popular dish in the West African country of Nigeria and the native Caribbean, particularly Ghana. It is an aromatic and savoury dish made with rice and a spiced tomato sauce. It is usually served as a side dish with any type of meat or fish, like chicken or shrimp. However, it can also be eaten as a main meal if you serve it with some side dishes such as boiled plantain chips or roasted yam wedges. The name Jollof originates from the word ‘Yassa’ which means to knead or mix.
This method of cooking was passed on from generation to generation by African slaves who did not have access to adequate kitchen appliances. This dish is made using different types of spices in varying quantities depending on the chef’s taste and preference – however always use high-quality spices for that authentic Caribbean taste. Another important element when making this dish is using fresh and unprocessed ingredients to get the most out of your cooking time and effort.

Soaking and Cooking Rice
Rice is cooked by soaking it in water for a few hours or overnight. When rinsed, the rice is drained and then placed into a pot with enough water to fill the pot. The pot is placed over high heat and allowed to boil for about 15 minutes or until the water has boiled and the rice has absorbed the water. Either white or brown rice can be used for this recipe.
White rice is less nutritious and can be used as a filler in salads while brown rice is a healthier choice. You can adjust the water or broth and the number of spices used to cook the rice depending on your preference and the type of rice used.
Adding Spices and Liquid
The next step is to add the spices, tomato sauce and liquid. You can use any type of tomato sauce you prefer – crushed, pureed or diced. You can also improvise by using a premade tomato sauce that contains your preferred spices. The liquid is usually one of the following: water, tomato sauce, stock or stock-based liquid such as bouillon.
You can also choose to use all three types of liquids if you prefer. The spices that can be added are usually dried thyme, ground cinnamon, ground cloves, ground coriander, black pepper, cumin and turmeric. You can add more or fewer quantities depending on your preference.
Stir-frying continuously
The rice is stirred continuously during the cooking process until the grains are fluffy and the liquid has been fully absorbed by the rice. This process can take between 10 and 30 minutes depending on the quality and quantity of your rice. Stir-frying is done by holding the pot over high heat and then moving the rice around the pot using a fork or wooden spatula.
You can also use a frying pan but make sure it is high enough so that the water in the pan doesn’t splash onto the stove. If using a pot with a lid, be sure to leave it slightly ajar so that the steam escapes from the pot during the stir-frying process. You don’t want to overcook the rice as this will make the jollof rice soggy. Stirring continuously for about 5 to 10 minutes should be enough.

Final Steps: Cooling, Garnishing and Serve
The rice is now ready to be cooled and served. You can either use a plate to serve the jollof rice or use a large container. Place a layer of banana leaves or parchment paper on the bottom and then place the jollof rice along with any desired side dishes. Pour some Jollof spiced tomato sauce on top of the jollof rice and cover with another layer of parchment paper or banana leaves. Put the jar or container in the fridge and allow the jollof rice to chill and cool down.
This can take a few hours depending on how cold your fridge is. You can also place the container in a bowl of ice water for about half an hour to cool the jollof rice down more quickly. When the jollof rice is cool enough, you can serve it. Garnish the jollof rice with fresh chopped green onions when you are ready to eat. Jollof rice can be eaten with all types of meat, fish and vegetarian side dishes such as roasted yams, fried plantain chips or stewed okra.
You can also make a simple tomato sauce and serve it with jollof rice. You can also experiment with different types of vegetables to add flavour and variety to your jollof rice. You can also try making spicy jollof rice with ingredients such as hot peppers, garlic or tamarind.
There are many variations of this authentic and beloved dish. You can try adding boiled or fried eggs, sliced chicken, shrimp or crayfish to the jollof rice. You can also try adding boiled or fried plantain chips, cassava or yam wedges to the jollof rice. You can also add shredded cabbage, carrots or boiled and mashed pumpkin to the jollof rice.
Alternatively, you can make a variation of this dish by adding chicken or seafood to the jollof rice and then making a Jollof chicken or seafood tomato sauce. There are also many variations of jollof rice that you can try to make more interesting and exotic. For example, you can try making your jollof rice with coconut milk to make it a coconut jollof rice or you can try adding peanuts to it to make it a peanut jollof rice.
Jollof rice is a popular and classic dish in the West African country of Nigeria and the native Caribbean, particularly Ghana. Jollof rice is made from white or brown rice, spices, tomato sauce and liquid and it is usually served as a side dish with any type of meat or fish. The name ‘Jollof’ originates from the word ‘Yassa’ which means to knead or mix.
This method of cooking was passed on from generation to generation by African slaves who did not have access to adequate kitchen appliances. Jollof rice is made from white or brown rice, spices, tomato sauce and liquid and it is usually served as a side dish with any type of meat or fish. The name ‘Jollof’ originates from the word ‘Yassa’ which means to knead or mix. This method of cooking was passed on from generation to generation by African slaves who did not have access to adequate kitchen appliances.